
What is $CARE?

$CARE is a SRC-20 protocol inscription on the Solana blockchain. The unique and precious part about $CARE is, it aims to encourage and attract the Web3 community to contribute their computing powers to medical research to help combat global health threats such COVID-19, Alzheimer's Disease, and cancer.

Why PoW?

Since we are always trying to find new and creative ideas to bring into the inscription community, and wish to lead users towards a positive and purposeful direction, one approach we can take is to expand our mining efforts and contribute computing power to medical research.

The concept of Proof of Work has been around for a long time. In simple terms, users can gain benefits from work that they do and in our case, users will be rewarded based on the amount of computation power they contribute to medical research.

How to CARE?

We are utilizing software from a third institution called Folding@Home, which is a platform that allows individuals to contribute their computing power towards important scientific research. It’s worth mentioning that Folding@Home made a huge contribution and breakthrough during covid and is supported by many big companies, such as Nvidia, AMD, Intel, Microsoft … etc.

In terms of our project “CARE”, users will earn points by contributing work units. Users can not only contribute to greater good but also be rewarded with $CARE which can be redeemed by the points they've earned. In addition, users holding $SOLS will gain bonuses when they contribute.

It’s very easy to participate in CARE, even for users who have no technical background. With minimal setup, users will be able to one-click-deploy a machine on our website and start to CARE.

Last updated